Bachelor of Arts Program
In Sustainable Tourism Management
(B.E. 2557’s revised curriculum)
International Program
Course Description: Foundation Courses
STM 101 Principles of Sustainability in Tourism Industry 3(3-0-6)
This course provides principles, theories, and values of the fundamentals of sustainability pertaining to policy making and its application in the tourism industry.This course also introduces the learning process that enables learners to understand the links among the natural environment, society, economy, culture, and individual human beings. Current sustainability policies, strategies to promote sustainability in the tourism industry, as well as how supply and demand of tourism affects sustainability will be covered.
STM 102 Leisure Management 3(3-0-6)
This course covers the history of knowledge system, concepts, and theories in the area of leisure based on scientific methods. The objectives of this course are: to provide an understading of negative recreation; to develop students’ ability to apply related concepts and theories, and to guide the students through examples of program development and different venues of appropriate projects.
STM 201 Cultural Diversity inTourism Behavior 3(3-0-6)
This course examines the meaning, process, and importance of culture. The influence of culture, as it shapes the development of individual and group personalities, is discussed to provide an understanding of tourists’ motivation, desires, cultural differences, and behavior.
STM 202 Management of Information Technologies for Tourism 3(3-0-6)
In this course students learn the important characteristics, principles, and practices of information management related to tourism, public relations, and marketing. It includes the management of information in tourism goods and services through the use of information systems and the Internet.
STM 203 Tourism Organization Management 3(3-0-6)
Topics covered in this course include the basic types of organization in the tourism industry, principles of management, as well as the evaluation of an organization’s success or failure with an emphasis on good governance.
STM204 Principles of Accounting for Tourism Businesses 3(2-2-5)
A study of accounting principles, the purposes and structure of accounting, an applied program for accountancy and finance, and strategic management of revenue and cost control for tourism businesses.
STM 205 Hospitality Management 3(3-0-6)
This course is the study of principles and systems of hospitality management, applying hospitality to practice and service delivery, lodging classifications, various services, and the roles of each division. Accommodation and food services will be emphasized. A written report of an interview with a division manager is required.
STM 301 People Development in Tourism 3(3-0-6)
This course covers employment processes and related theories, training and human resource development in hotel and tourism industries, problems leading to interpersonal relationships, and ethics for efficient operations.
STM 302 Research Methods in Sustainable Tourism 3(2-2-5)
This course begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of research and the significance of research in order to produce a knowledge-based society. Research methodology topics include objectives and hypotheses, sampling, survey development, data collection, report writing, and presentation. The course emphasizes sustainable tourism management research and ethics in report writing.
STM 303 Laws and Codes of Ethics in Tourism Businesses 3(3-0-6)
This introductory course discusses business law, ethics, and responsibilities relevant to businesses in the tourism industry. Laws associated with purchasing, consumer protection, labor relations, social security, and insurance are included. Tourism establishment practices, operations and laws pertaining to tourism businesses’ specific rights. The roles and responsibilities of businesses to customers and society are also examined.
Course Description: Major Courses
STM 206 Principles of Sustainable Tourism 3(3-0-6)
The course includes the theories, concepts, principles and various approaches of tourism management. The influence of tourism on the natural environment, culture, economy, society, and human beings is discussed using sustainable tourism management in particular.
STM 207 Marketing in Sustainable Tourism 3(3-0-6)
The course provides students with concepts and key principles of marketing as they relate to the economy, society, and environment for public, not-for-profit, and private commercial tourism entities. The course also covers the marketing of service delivery, marketing management strategies used to promote tourism programs/events, marketing ethics, and public relations in sustainable tourism.
STM 208 Travel Agency Operationsand Management 3(3-0-6)
Students will study the philosophy and concepts behind the tourism industry, tourism service systems in both the public and private sectors, characteristics of the tourism industry in Thailand, the interaction between public and private service delivery systems, community engagement, and people in the tourism industry.
STM304 Tour Program Planning and Organizing 3(2-2-5)
This course is a survey of the principles and concepts of program planning in tourism. This course examines the operations of different types of travel agency, including the principles, rules, and approaches for a successful program. Coordination with related agencies and organizations is discussed. There is a required field trip in this class.
STM305 Academic and Professional Information for Tour Guides 3(2-2-5)
The course examines the roles, responsibilities, ethics, and practices of tour guides. In addition, this course concentrates on the knowledge applied directly as a tour guide professional. Leading techniques, accommodation management, security for tourists, first aid, interpersonal relations, principles of service provision, and related laws are reviewed.A field trip is required.
STM 306 Cultural Heritage Management 3(2-2-5)
Theories and concepts related to management and techniques for cultural heritage preservation are discussed. A training practicum for students is mandatory.
STM 307 Sustainable Tourist Destination Development 3(3-0-6)
The course covers destination development management based on sustainability principles and the evaluation of tourism resource potentials. Various types and characteristics of destinations, consideration of the appropriate number of tourists, and ability to serve tourists per area unit (carrying capacity), managing and regulating service places (zoning) for tourists, and roles as well as cooperation with related entities are to be discussed.
STM 401 Event Planning In Tourism Industry 3(2-2-5)
This course reviews the different types of event, management, and event planning.The discussion includes local, national, and international meetings, meetings for specific purposes, exhibitions, and tourism as an incentive. This course provides students with systematic operations planning, process, evaluation, and analysis of problems to enable improvement. Students must arrange a special event to fulfill the requirements of the course.
STM 402 Investment and Entrepreneurship in Tourism Industry 3(3-0-6)
In this course,the evolution, definition, significance, trends, features, keys components, and supports of tourism industry are examined. The course also studies the characteristics of the tourism industry in Thailand, assessements of opportunities to establish a business and the initial processes to start tourism service businesses. Other topics include strategy formation, resource mobilization, management, personnel, accounting systems, operational planning and evaluation.
STM 403 Seminar in Sustainable Tourism 3(2-2-5)
Current issues and trends in sustainable tourism including governmental policies and entrepreneurship in both public and private sectors are discussed. Students are required to do research and analyze crises and opportunities in the sustainable tourism industry as part of this course.
Course Description: Major Elective Courses
STM308 Ecotourism Management 3(3-0-6)
Provided in this course are the principles and concepts of ecotourism management, environment preservation and tourism management for the community. In addition, students will learn how to encourage a community to participate in developing ecotourism in their area, as well as how income from tourism is distributed within the community. There is a field trip in this course.
STM 309 National Park and Wildlife Conservation Management 3(3-0-6)
Learners will study the concepts and principles of national park management. Emphasis is given to zoning – preservation zones, conservation zones, recreation zones and tourism development zones. Practices in wildlife and plant conservation related to ecological system management including flora and fauna are studied. Research, report, and field trip(s) complete the course.
STM 310 Inclusive Recreation 3(3-0-6)
This course will look at the nature and needs of underprivileged individuals or groups who are likely to be neglected or to be refused the right to participate in recreation and leisure services. The course will examine recreational activity management, techniques and tools of inclusive recreation and leisure, as well as the practices of therapeutic recreation. There is an inclusive recreation programming in this course.
STM 311 Outdoor Recreation and Leadership 3(2-2-5)
Studies the principles, basic concepts and historical dimensions of outdoor recreation including parks, forest gardens, national reserves and other natural attractions. This course also introduces students to adventure recreation and the concept of developing positive recreation activities. Students will learn leadership techniques to facilitate sustainable outdoor activities as well as recreational activity management.
STM 312 Recreation Programming 3(2-2-5)
Studies programming theory, concepts and practices in recreation program planning. Objective writing, promotion, budgeting, program plans, and evaluation are reviewed. Tools and techniques of programming are included.The course also requires students to arrange recreation programs and to participate in a field trip.
STM 313 Food and Beverage Operation Management 3(2-2-5)
The course offers an overview of food and beverage service business in hospitality businesses, including marketing in food service, menu planning, food production calculation, pricing, cost analysis, and budget planning. It also covers food production and nutrition management and the use of technologies in food and beverage service management. Field trip(s) and a report complete the course.
STM 314 Catering and Banquet Management 3(2-2-5)
This course covers banquet management both in restaurants (in hotels) and outdoor catering service management. It includes menu and beverage planning, service provision, and different banquet and place decorations according to the form, function, and theme of the banquet. Students will learn the steps and methods involved in implementing successful catering and banquet and covers the paperwork as well as contracts related to the job.Field trip(s) and practical traning are required.
STM 315 Rooms Division Management 3(2-2-5)
The course provides approaches and evaluation of work performance in hotel reception, which includes related services provided to customers such as room reservations, registration, and hotel receipts, as well as hotel asset management. It also covers learning fundamental hotel terminology, techniques and service management for customers, and structure and management in other units of hotel.Practical training is required.
STM 316 Sports Tourism Management 3(3-0-6)
Topics cover the definition, format, elements, and evolution of sports tourism management. In addition, the relationships between sport and tourism as well as service are discussed. Case studies are used for the analysis of sports tourism management.
STM 317 Accommodation Management for Tourists 3(3-0-6)
The course reviews theories and principles of hotel, resort, homestay and other types of lodging. This course also discusses structure and accomodation management. This class requires field trip(s) and a report.
STM 404 Managing Leisure and Recreation Services 3(3-0-6)
Covers the concepts, theory, and implementation of organizational management with regard to leisure and recreation services, including the development of strategic policy, planning, personnel management systems, as well as providing facilities and equipment administration and arranging activities for leisure and recreation services.
STM 405 Culinary Arts and Kitchen Operations 3(2-2-5)
This course is an introduction to the culinary history of various groups of people. The creative aspect of culinary art is investigated along with culinary values regarding nutrition, beauty, tradition, and culinary culture. Planning and control systems, tools and equipment for cooking, planning and food fusion are also included. Practical training is required.
STM 406 Hospitality Marketing Management 3(3-0-6)
The course begins with marketing theories in small, medium, and large businesses, including an analysis of the fundamental structure of business, marketing analysis and competitiveness. It also covers market share, target markets, product features, product management, branding, pricing, and advertising. There will be a hospitality marketing management exhibition to complete the course.
STM 407 Logistics for Tourism Industry 3(3-0-6)
The course covers the theories, management principles, planning, and application of logistics knowledge in the tourism industry. The fundamental structure and facilities for transporting parcels and packages, insurance, law, and related information technology systems are discussed.
STM 408 Airline Business Services 3(3-0-6)
This course covers all the basic knowledge required to work in an airline business. The topics include aviation vocabulary, airlines, coding of cities and airports, time zoning, customs control, airport taxes, ticketing and fare pricing, types and guidelines for air traveling, computerized ticketing systems, currency exchange systems, booking and issuing tickets, and airplane chartering. This course includes a field trip.
STM 409 Seminar on Trends and Issues in Hospitality Businesses 3(2-2-5)
This course covers problems, trends, and innovation in the services industry, accommodation, as well as entertainment, and health and well being activities for consumers. Through case studies, students will analyze and discuss positive and negative impacts in order to understand the situation and propose appropriate solutions.
Course Description: English Language Courses
STM 103 English for Tourism 1 3(2-2-5)
This course provides students with a basic level of English regarding communication, greetings, introductions, making appointments, providing information, and welcoming guests in different situations in the hotel and tourism industry.
STM 104 English for Tourism 2 3(2-2-5)
After completing English for Tourism 1, this course provides the English required for hotels and the tourism industry at an intermediate level. The emphasis is on communication skills that develop confidence and understanding in both the speaker and the audience for accurate service delivery.
STM 209 Research and Academic Report Writing 3(2-2-5)
Learners will be trained to do basic research and data collection for report writing. They will also study report outlines, outline writing using the proper format, literature review, and short note taking for research.
STM 210 English for Tourism 3 3(2-2-5)
This course highlights English in topics related to hotels and tourism. All four skills, speaking, listening, reading and writing, are emphasized to develop a deep understanding. This course also includes a higher level of relevant vocabulary as well as clear and accurate pronunciation.
STM 318 English for Tourism 4 3(2-2-5)
Similar to English for Tourism 3, this course delves deeper and is more sophisticated. The course provides an advanced level of English for professionals working in the hotel and tourism industry.
Course Description: Professional Practice Courses
STM 410 Professional Practice –
This involves practical training in an organization related to sustainable tourism. The organization can be governmental, non-governmental, not-for-profit, or private within or outside of Thailand. These organizations may include travel agencies, airlines, convention centers, hotels, or other related tourism organizations such as the Tourism Authority of Thailand. The practicum requires twice of at least 20 weeks or 400 consecutive hours under the supervision of an instructor.
STM 411 Professional Practice 6(0-12-18)
This involves practical training in an organization related to sustainable tourism. The organization can be governmental, non-governmental, not-for-profit, or private within or outside of Thailand. These organizations may include travel agencies, airlines, convention centers, hotels, or other related tourism organizations such as the Tourism Authority of Thailand. The practicum requires at least 400 consecutive hours under the supervision of an instructor.