Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Management of the 1/2020 Semester
Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Management of the 1/2020 Semester
starting on 10 August 2020 at the International College for Sustainability Studies
Pertaining to the announcements made by the Thai government and SWU on protective measures against the pandemic of COVID-19, all SWUIC members are required to comply with the following:
- All courses are to be predominantly taught online.
- Courses should be designed according to outcome-based learning management with coverage of the course descriptions, active learning activities, varied methods of assessment, and a balance of individual and group work.
- Fieldwork, field trips, and professional practices are to be postponed until the 2/2020 semester if applicable.
- Lectures can be either live or recorded, and should be given according to the teaching schedule announced. Live lectures should be recorded and then posted on Google Classroom for students’ revision.
- Every single course’s lectures, materials, rubrics, and any other supplementary learning materials need to be accessible on Google Classroom.
- A flipped classroom approach is encouraged, meaning that teaching and learning materials should be given to students prior to the virtual class activities.
- Small group online discussion for teaching and learning is required to ensure the understanding and effectiveness of learning.
- In cases where international or local students have restrictions of transportation and accommodation, and cannot attend the university at lecturers’ request, they are eligible to complete whole courses online. In these cases, academic advisors should be informed before the start of the semester.
- Teaching schedules should be announced to students at least one month prior to the start of the semester.
- During presence at SWUIC, all lecturers, staff, and students need to wear a personal face mask, wash hands regularly, and keep proper physical distancing of at least one meter away from others.
This announcement is effective during the 1/2020 semester or until further notice.
Assistant Professor Kanda Chaipinyo, Ph.D.
Dean, International College for Sustainability Studies